
The Jmix Frontend UI described in this documentation is deprecated. Please use it only if you migrate a frontend application from CUBA Platform to Jmix. See the migration guide for more information.

Component and Utility Libraries for React

There are two libraries for React powered frontend clients that are both used in the code generated by the Studio and can be utilized on its own. One is Jmix React Core which is responsible for core functionalities such as working with entities. The other is Jmix React UI which contains the UI components. It uses Ant Design UI kit and is used by the React client. Both libraries are available as npm packages: @haulmont/jmix-react-core, @haulmont/jmix-react-ui.

Jmix REST library

Jmix REST is a library that handles the interactions with Generic REST API. Frontend clients use Generic REST API to communicate with the backend. However, you don’t have to manually send the requests from your code. If your frontend client is based on React then Jmix React Core components will often handle this communication for you utilizing Jmix REST under the hood. If you are using a different framework or need more flexibility, you can use Jmix REST directly. Jmix REST is available as an npm package @haulmont/jmix-rest.

TypeScript SDK

TypeScript SDK is a TypeScript representation of project’s entities, fetch plans and facades to access REST services. The SDK can be used to develop a frontend client using your favorite framework as well as for Node.js-based BFF (Backend for Frontend) development.