
ClientSideDataCollectionStore is a variant of DataCollectionStore intended for situations when data shall be operated client-side. It is useful for example when handling Composition relationship. ClientSideDataCollectionStore can be created via clientSideCollection initializer function.

dataCollection = clientSideCollection<Pet>(Pet.NAME, {
    allItems: entityInstancesArray,
    view: 'pet-with-owner-and-type',
    sort: 'identificationNumber',
    filter: {conditions: [{property: 'name', operator: "contains", value: 'Ro'}]},
    limit: 10,
    offset: 0,
    loadImmediately: true, // true by default

ClientSideDataCollectionStore inteface extends DataCollectionStore adding the following members:

  • allItems field - array of entity instances with default sort order and no filtering applied.

  • adjustItems method - sets items based on allItems and other conditions. Currently it only performs the client-side sorting based on sort field, client-side filtering is not currently supported.