
i18n is powered by react-intl library. React client supports several languages out of the box.

The following translations are maintained by the core development team. It means that each time a new version is released, these translations are guaranteed to be up to date.

  • English

  • Russian

The following translations are provided by the community. It means that these translations might need time to catch up with the latest changes. Help us to keep the translations up to date by opening a PR!

  • French

Adding New Localized Content

  • Add new messages to src/i18n/<locale>.json files

  • Refer to them from your code using standard react-intl components or API (see react-intl documentation)

Overriding Existing Messages

Simply replace existing messages in src/i18n/<locale>.json files. This way you can override the messages in the client app, Jmix React UI components and some of the messages in the Ant Design components.

Adding Support for New Locales

  • Add a corresponding <locale>.json message pack. Note that it shall contain messages for Jmix React UI components (keys starting with jmix-react) and Ant Design Form validation messages (keys starting with antd.form.validation).

  • Create a mapping between the locale and the message pack by modifying messagesMapping in src/i18n/i18nMappings.ts.

  • Create a mapping between the locale and antd/es/locale-provider/Locale object by modifying antdLocaleMapping in src/i18n/i18nMappings.ts. This is required because most of the messages in Ant Design components are translated by telling Ant Design to use one of the predefined locales. An extensive list of locales supported by Ant Design can be found here.

  • Add an import of a corresponding moment locale to index.tsx, e.g. import 'moment/locale/ru';. This is required because some of the Ant Design components use localized messages from moment.

  • Add means of switching to the new locale. E.g. if you are using the default LanguageSwitcher - add a locale option into it.