
AccessControl is used to conditionally render other components (which we call access-controlled components) based on user permissions and other conditions. This component is intended to be used in complex cases (such as when requirements includes multiple types of permissions, e.g. an entity permission and a specific permission). In most cases simpler components should be used instead:

Use this component either by wrapping access-controlled components in it:

<AccessControl modifyReqs={{entityReqs: [{entityName: 'scr$Car'}]}}>
  <button>Do Something</button>

or by providing a render prop:

<AccessControl modifyReqs={{entityReqs: [{entityName: 'scr$Car'}]}}
               render={disabled => <button disabled={disabled}>Do Something</button>}

If both are provided, render prop takes precedence.

In either case to define the requirements use displayReqs and modifyReqs props.

displayReqs contains the requirements that shall be fulfilled in order for access-controlled components to be rendered. If these requirements are not met then AccessControl won’t render anything. If displayReqs is missing, then access-controlled components will always be rendered.

modifyReqs contains requirements that shall be fulfilled in order for rendered access-controlled components to be modifiable (i.e. to not be disabled). If these requirements are not met then AccessControl will disable the access-controlled components:

  • If render prop is used, it will receive true as its disabled parameter.

  • Otherwise a prop with name disabled (can be configured via disabledPropName prop) and value true (can be configured via disabledPropValue prop) will be passed to each child.

Both displayReqs and modifyReqs are of the same type:

    entityReqs: [
      {entityName: 'scr$Car', operation: 'create' as const},
      {entityName: 'scr$Garage', operation: 'read' as const}
    attrReqs: [
      {entityName: 'scr$Car', attrName: 'manufacturer', requiredAttrPerm: 'MODIFY' as const},
      {entityName: 'scr$Garage', attrName: 'name', requiredAttrPerm: 'VIEW' as const}
    specificReqs: [
    customReqs: () => {
      // Some custom logic here.
      return true;

entityReqs contains required entity operation permissions, attrReqs - entity attribute permissions and specificReqs - specific permissions. customReqs function can be used to implement custom conditions / complex logic. For example, you might have a button that shall be visible when user has either of two specific permissions (in that case you will need to use the methods from Security service to manually check the permissions). Or, the condition might be something entirely different than permissions.

Low-Level Details About Matching Permissions

Entity (CRUD) permissions (entityReqs)

A requirement is considered fulfilled when there is an entity permission with

  • target:

    • {$entityName}:{$operation}

    • or {$entityName}:*

    • or *:{$operation}

    • or *:*

  • and value 1.

Entity attribute permissions (attrReqs)

A requirement is considered fulfilled when there is an entity attribute permission with

  • target:

    • {$entityName}:{$attrName}

    • or {$entityName}:*

    • or *:*

  • and value:

    • 1 or 2 when requiredAttrPerm is VIEW

    • or 2 when requiredAttrPerm is MODIFY.

Specific permissions (specificReqs)

A requirement is considered fulfilled when there is a specific permission with

  • a given target

  • and value 1.

See also: