Converts EntityFilter to antd table filters object.
Useful e.g. to set the initial state of table filters when the table is loaded with a predefined EntityFilter.
entityFilter: EntityFilter
Optional fields: string[]
names of the entity properties displayed in the table.
Allows to check the EntityFilter.conditions against the list of displayed fields and ensure that only
the conditions related to the displayed fields are used.
Determines whether a condition shall be preserved in DataCollectionStore when clearing table filters.
Preserved conditions include ConditionGroups and conditions on fields that are not displayed in the table.
Effectively they act as invisible filters that cannot be disabled.
condition: Condition | ConditionsGroup
fields: string[]
names of the entity properties displayed in the table
Sets sort field/order on provided dataCollection based on current state of table sorter.
Type parameters
sorter: SorterResult<E> | SorterResult<E>[]
defaultSort: string | undefined
name of the field to be sorted by. If the name is preceeding by the '+' character, then the sort order is ascending,
if by the '-' character then descending. If there is no special character before the property name, then ascending sort will be used.
Converts EntityFilter to antd table filters object. Useful e.g. to set the initial state of table filters when the table is loaded with a predefined EntityFilter.