  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Type parameters

  • E: object

    entity type.


  • MainStoreInjected
  • WrappedComponentProps
    • DataTableProps



Optional buttons

buttons: Element[]

Controls that will be rendered above the table.

Optional canSelectRowByClick

canSelectRowByClick: boolean

When true, a row can be selected by clicking on it. When false, a row can only be selected using the selection column. Default: true.

Optional columnDefinitions

columnDefinitions: (string | ColumnDefinition<E>)[]

Describes the columns to be displayed. An element of this array can be a property name (which will render a column displaying that property; the column will have the default look&feel) or a ColumnDefinition object (which allows creating a custom column).

NOTE: you need to use either columnDefinitions or fields (deprecated) for the DataTable to work.

Optional columnProps

columnProps: ColumnProps<E>

use columnDefinitions instead. If used together, columnDefinitions will take precedence.


dataCollection: DataCollectionStore<E>

Optional enableFiltersOnColumns

enableFiltersOnColumns: string[]

Names of columns that should have filters enabled. Default: filters will be enabled on all columns. Pass empty array to disable all filters.

Optional fields

fields: string[]

use columnDefinitions instead. If used together, columnDefinitions will take precedence.

Optional hideClearFilters

hideClearFilters: boolean

By default, when any number of filters is active, a Clear filters control will be displayed above the table. When clicked, this control disables all filters at once. If hideClearFilters is true, then the Clear filters control won't be displayed. Default: false

Optional hideSelectionColumn

hideSelectionColumn: boolean

When true, hides the selection column. Default: false.

Optional mainStore

mainStore: MainStore

Optional onRowSelectionChange

onRowSelectionChange: (selectedRowKeys: string[]) => void

A callback that takes the ids of the selected rows. Can be used together with buttons to facilitate CRUD operations or other functionality.


entity ids corresponding to the selected rows.

Type declaration

    • (selectedRowKeys: string[]): void
    • Parameters

      • selectedRowKeys: string[]

      Returns void

Optional rowSelectionMode

rowSelectionMode: "none" | "single" | "multi"

single allows to select one row at a time. multi allows to select multiple rows. none disables row selection. Default: single.

Optional tableProps

tableProps: TableProps<E>

Can be used to override any of the underlying Table properties.




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